Contemporary Art brightens panorama of Lebanese work on show. Bernard Renno, has been painting for many years and has been teaching art for around 25 years… He finds he has already shaped his reputation but he likes exhibiting his work because he always has something new to show on each occasion.
“My inspiration in my imagination”, he explained
His meticulous use of air brush, paint and a kind of mold for a 3D effect, make his work very beautiful and they seem as if they can come alive and tell you a story.
Sabine Alphonse Chalhoub
Daily Star 2005
“Vestiges d’Orient” by Bernard Renno
Bernard Renno opens large perspectives to us where our eyes are called to enjoy secrets that beauty dispenses in profusion. On each surface he paints the artist seeks to metamorphose the most gestures as hymns to the gentleness and serenity of those places where the light, rendered by multiple interferences, creates this harmonious climate by the play of modulated warm tonalities.
The creator’s priority lies in his conviction that aesthetics is the cornerstone of Art.
Simone Nigolian
Monday Morning – 95